Character Counts

Character Counts

Sarah O. Joshi – The Experienced Expert

Sarah O. Joshi – The Experienced Expert

Public service is in Sarah’s DNA. Her father was a councilman, and she would watch as he helped make important decisions to shape the community. She was proud of his work and became inspired to serve in government herself.

Sarah works as deputy director at Metro Transit. She has also served as a city manager and deputy county clerk. Following more than eight years on the Portage Planning Commission, she looks forward to serving her Kalamazoo County neighbors in a new way: as their District 4 representative on the County Commission.

Sarah holds degrees in public administration and public relations. She has a broad and deep understanding of government best practices, and she has built solid working relationships with leaders throughout Kalamazoo County.

Public service is in Sarah’s DNA. Her father was a councilman, and she would watch as he helped make important decisions to shape the community. She was proud of his work and became inspired to serve in government herself.

Sarah works as deputy director at Metro Transit. She has also served as a city manager and deputy county clerk. Following more than eight years on the Portage Planning Commission, she looks forward to serving her Kalamazoo County neighbors in a new way: as their District 4 representative on the County Commission.

Sarah holds degrees in public administration and public relations. She has a broad and deep understanding of government best practices, and she has built solid working relationships with leaders throughout Kalamazoo County.

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Your donation is an investment in a future where your voice is heard, and real change is made for our community.

Passionate – Dedicated – Qualified

Character Counts


Sarah has built a reputation for cutting costs, delivering results, and exceeding expectations. She has a strategic, systematic style and is known for leading with strength, empathy, and expertise. That’s why respected leaders in District 4 and throughout Kalamazoo County back her. 

Sarah has earned various honors throughout her career. Among her favorites: 

  • 2018 Service Excellence Award, Kalamazoo County Government
  • 2023 Power of Voice Award, Public Media Network
  • 2024 Human Rights Award, Church Women United

Accountability & Integrity

Sarah looks forward to working to improve conditions for the residents of Kalamazoo County. Her priorities: 

  • Environmental Protection: Our water and land are precious resources that need to be protected. Sarah has advocated for groundwater protection and for increasing our recycling rates through using the county’s Household Hazardous Waste program. She is eager to lend her voice to protecting the Gourdneck Preserve, which needs to be maintained properly to support biodiversity and limit the harvesting of trees.
  • Public Safety: Addressing the root causes of violence will be a key focus. Sarah also supports policies and budgets to effectively reduce crime rates. She has an excellent relationship with the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office and will continue her support by pushing for new solutions to enhance safety in the face of rising costs.
  • Housing Solutions: Sarah spearheaded a housing improvement project funded by Kalamazoo County Housing Department and accomplished more than the budget provided for by leveraging grant dollars from a variety of local and State sources. She looks forward to continuing her support of the county’s important housing
  • Diversity: Kalamazoo County needs leaders who model curiosity when learning about diverse perspectives. Sarah will help create the systems that will uphold the county’s diversity practices in staff development, vendor selection, and constituent communication. Judicious use of AI can help in this work, and she looks forward to helping shape the policies to ensure its safe use.
  • Economic Development: Sarah is experienced in establishing effective programs at low cost and can help create conditions to grow local businesses by implementing similar methods. She will support economic development by using her considerable relationships built over many years in government and nonprofit service in this region.

Ready to Improve Conditions for the Residents of Kalamazoo County

Our water and land are precious resources that need to be protected. Sarah has advocated for groundwater protection and for increasing our recycling rates through using the county’s Household Hazardous Waste program. She is eager to lend her voice to protecting the Gourdneck Preserve, which needs to be maintained properly to support biodiversity and limit the harvesting of trees.

·         Addressing the root causes of violence will be a key focus. Sarah also supports policies and budgets to effectively reduce crime rates. She has an excellent relationship with the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office and will continue her support by pushing for new solutions to enhance safety in the face of rising costs.

·         Sarah spearheaded a housing improvement project funded by Kalamazoo County Housing Department and accomplished more than the budget provided for by leveraging grant dollars from a variety of local and State sources. She looks forward to continuing her support of the county’s important housing work.

·         Kalamazoo County needs leaders who model curiosity when learning about diverse perspectives. Sarah will help create the systems that will uphold the county’s diversity practices in staff development, vendor selection, and constituent communication. Judicious use of AI can help in this work, and she looks forward to helping shape the policies to ensure its safe use.

·         Sarah is experienced in establishing effective programs at low cost and can help create conditions to grow local businesses by implementing similar methods. She will support economic development by using her considerable relationships built over many years in government and nonprofit service in this region.

“Sarah has been a dedicated member of the Portage Planning Commission for the past eight years. She will be a great representative on the Kalamazoo County Commission for the citizens of Portage.”

– Mayor Patricia M. Randall, City of Portage

“Sarah has supported Peace During War’s anti-gun-violence work since 2013. She has opened doors to help us spread our important message. A vote for Sarah is a vote for public safety.”

– Michael Wilder, Founder, Peace During War

“When I look at candidates, experience is at the top of the list of qualities I look for. In this race, only one candidate has the experience needed to serve, and that individual is Sarah Joshi.”

– Timothy A Snow, Kalamazoo County Clerk (retired)

“Sarah is innovative and treats people well. She listens to ideas and complaints and helps the staff work through challenges, just as she seeks our input to help her work through the challenges she faces.”

– Anna Goodsell, City of Galesburg Clerk (retired)

“With her many years of experience as Deputy Clerk and Elections Coordinator, City Manager, and as a member of the Portage Planning Commission, Sarah certainly knows the ins and outs of city and county government. That includes having managed multi-million dollar budgets and helping to shape policy. Having known Sarah personally for many years, I’m confident she will use her collaborative skills to be an asset for our district on the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners.”

– Terri Novaria, Portage Community Leader

“I have had the pleasure of working with Sarah Joshi in many situations. I find Sarah to be forward-thinking, bright, and very committed to the work that she takes on! Sarah is a rock star! She is very organized and responds quickly to the needs of her co-workers and community. Sarah is a master communicator. She works well collaboratively with others with outstanding results, consistently going above and beyond with her time and talents! Sarah is an upstanding member of her community and will make an outstanding County Commissioner! “

– Lori A. West, Retired Mayor of Galesburg

Sarah is Here for Kalamazoo County

Sarah is Here to Represent You

As a pragmatic, forward-thinking problem solver who has lived in Portage for 14 years, I am prepared to represent you with respect, empathy, civility, and consistency in the interest of moving forward together. I respectfully ask for your vote on August 6.